
Welcome to Kay's Village Recipes! Some believe the heart of the home is in the kitchen, I believe the kitchen is the heart of the village. It takes a “village” to live life to its fullest and it has nothing to do with geography or how large or small a town you live in. My “village” is inhabited by family members, dear friends, co-workers, and the occasional visitor who is in my life for a short period of time. Each one of these people has a profound impact on my emotional wellbeing as well as the quality of my life, and all have one thing in common…they all love to eat, and I love to cook for them.
On this blog you will find free, family recipes for: homemade soups, breads, apple pie, cakes, candies, snacks, casseroles, main courses, side dishes, appetizers, breakfast, home-style cooking, and so much more.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

How to Brew a Perfect Cup of Tea

Original Recipe from:  Kay Johnson-Tomblin

To know me is to know that I love hot tea.  I was raised to drink tea, and never developed a taste for coffee.  To me there is something so civilized in the ritual of tea.  The very process is calming and balancing.  It must be the strong English heritage showing through in me, but whatever it is; I know that I cherish my tea time.  Whether you are brewing an herbal tea or a black pekoe tea, the steps are the same.  Tea is also good for you!  It’s a natural diuretic, and is full of antioxidants. 

The ladies in my family often had tea together around the dining room table or served in the living room.  Those times were always special to me growing up.  The topic of the day didn’t matter, it was the time together, and it was the bonding that took place over those cups of tea.  The memories of those tea times warm my heart to this day, especially when I get out Mom’s porcelain tea cups!  Bond with your girl friends or female family members today over a cup of tea….I know you will make warm memories of your own.  Enjoy!


1)  Start with a preheated pot or cup so that your boiling water doesn’t drop below perfect brewing temperatures.  To preheat:  fill your teapot or cup with very hot water and let it stand for a moment. 

2)  Use cold, fresh water from your tap or bottle.  If you have poor or hard water quality, use bottled or filtered water.  Let the water run for a minute until it gets very cold, this ensures that the water is aerated (full of oxygen) which will release the full flavor of the tea leaves.

3)  Bring the water to a rolling boil.  Don’t let it boil too long as it will boil away some of the flavor releasing oxygen and result in a flat tasting cup of tea.  I have found electric water kettles to be the best for reaching a full boil and shuts off automatically at the optimum boil.  They also reach boiling temperature quickly.  Pour boiling water on tea leaves or tea bag.  Note:  I use 3 tea bags per pot of tea.

4)  Brew 3-5 minutes to taste.

5)  Serve with lemon slices, sugar, and/or cream (milk).

Ho much loose tea should I use to make a cup of tea?

White Tea:          2 teaspoons
Green Tea:        1 teaspoon
Oolong Tea       2 teaspoons
Black Tea           1 teaspoon
Herbal Tea        Start with 1 teaspoon and increase to desired taste

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